Programming 3


No. Laboratory Topic Type Points Part
1 03.10.2024 MSBuild, dotnet Workshop 4p. A
2 10.10.2024 git, C# Basics Workshop 4p. A
3 17.10.2024 Class/Struct, Inheritance, Properties, Access Modifiers Workshop 4p. A
4 24.10.2024 Operators, Indexers, Base Class Library Workshop 4p. A
5 31.10.2024 Yield, Interface, Generics, IEnumerable Laboratory Task 8p. A
6 07.11.2024 Collections, LINQ Laboratory Task 8p. A
7 21.11.2024 Extension Methods, Delegates, Lambdas, Events Laboratory Task 8p. A
8 28.11.2024 Unit Tests, Exceptions Workshop 4p. B
9 05.12.2024 Assembly, Attribute, Reflection, Embedded Resources Workshop, Project 4p., 10p. B
10 12.12.2024 IO, Serialization, Disposable, Streams Laboratory Task 8p. B
11 19.12.2024 Thread, Task, Async, Await, Parallel Workshop 4p. B
12 02.01.2025 Thread, Task, Async, Await, Parallel Laboratory Task 8p. B
13 09.01.2025 Interoperability, Marshal, Unsafe Workshop, Project 4p., 10p. B
14 16.01.2025 Synchronization Laboratory Task 8p. B
15 23.01.2025 Retake Laboratory Task 8p.


Code examples will be hosted on GitHub:

No. Lecture Topic Materials
1 07.10.2024 Introduction, Rules, and Regulations, .Net and C#, First Program. Lecture00,
2 14.10.2024 C# Basics Lecture02
3 21.10.2024 Variables and Parameters, Namespaces, Custom Types Lecture03
4 28.10.2024 Generics, Enumeration, Nullable Lecture04
5 04.11.2024 Collections and LINQ, Delegates and Lambda Expressions, Extension Methods Lecture05
6 14.11.2024 Type Testing, Events, Functional Programming (Workshop), Pattern Matching Lecture06
7 18.11.2024 Attributes, Anonymous Types, Tuples, Events (Workshop) Lecture07
8 25.11.2024 Records, Preprocessor Directives, Exceptions, Reflection Lecture08
9 02.12.2024 Xml Documentation, Assembly, Disposable Lecture09
10 09.12.2024 Streams, Filesystem, Serialization Lecture10
11 16.12.2024 Threads, Tasks Lecture11
12 08.01.2025 Asynchronous Programming, Synchronization Lecture12
13 13.01.2025 Parallel, Concurrent Collections, Synchronization Workshop Lecture13
14 20.01.2025 Unsafe, Interoperability Lecture14
15 27.01.2025 Consultations

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