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March 17. 2024 18:43:59
Strona główna > Badania naukowe

Badania naukowe

Wybrane publikacje:

  1. David Larman; Sójka, On the number of minor illuminations required to cover the boundary of a convex body in 


    . (English)
    , [J] Rev. Roum. Math. Pures Appl. 51, No. 1, 21-42 (2006). ISSN 0035-3965
  2. Alessandro Soranzo; Sójka, Some results about +∞-, -∞- and i-chord functions. Demonstr. Math. 39, No. 1, 183-194 (2006).
  3. Maria Moszyńska; Sójka, Concerning Sets of the First Baire Category with Respect to Different Metrics, Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics 58 (1) (2010), str. 47 - 54, Id=1210
  4. Sójka, Determination of convex bodies by -∞--chord functions, Demonstratio Mathematica 43 (1) (2010), str. 187 - 202, Id=1211
  5. Sójka, Metrics in the family of star bodies, Advances in Geometry, Volume 13, Issue 1, Pages 117–144, ISSN (Online) 1615-7168, ISSN (Print) 1615-715X, DOI: 10.1515/advgeom-2012-0030, January 2013.