Banach Center Symposium

21st Century of COE program "Mathematics of Nonlinear structure via Singularity" Hokkaido University, Department of Mathematics

"Geometric Singularity Theory"

Polish-Japanese Singularity Theory Working Days

7-14 July, 2007
Sopot, Poland

List of participants


Map jpg file interactive

Scientific Committee:
K. Fukaya (Kyoto), T. Fukuda (Tokyo), H. Hironaka (Tokyo), G. Ishikawa (Sapporo), S. Izumiya (Sapporo),S. Janeczko (Warsaw), Z. Jelonek (Krakow), T. Mostowski (Warsaw), O. Saeki (Fukuoka), M. Soares Ruas (Sao Carlos), Z. Szafraniec (Gdansk), H. Terao (Sapporo), K. Yamaguchi (Sapporo), B. Wajnryb (Haifa), M. Zhitomirskii (Haifa)

Organizing Committee:
G. Ishikawa (Sapporo), S. Izumiya (Sapporo),S. Janeczko (Warsaw)

Local Organizers:
W. Domitrz (Warsaw), A. Nowel (Gdansk), M. Zajac (Warsaw)

Proposed research topics include:

- Lagrangian and Legendrian singularities
- Asymptotic behaviour around caustics and wavefronts
- Symplectic singularities, local invariants
- Singular symplectic, contact and Poisson spaces
- Systems of rays, optical caustics
- Bifurcations of caustics and wavefronts
- Singularities of smooth maps and differential forms
- Motivic integration
- Subanalytic and semialgebraic sets - Lipschitz stratifications
- Lagrangian cobordism invariants
- Blow analytic equivalence
- Singular reduction, Hamiltonian systems and their generalizations
- Applications to physical systems and control theory
- Differential geometry and singularities

Co-organized by:

Hokkaido University
Warsaw University of Technology