
[1] Ostrek G., Nowakowski A., Jasionowska M., Przelaskowski A., Szopiński K., Stroke Tissue Pattern Recognition Based on CT Texture Analysis, 81-90, Springer International Publishing, Cham, 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-26227-7. [ bib | DOI | http ]
[2] Ostrek G., Przelaskowski A., Jóźwiak R., Hypodensity extractor: A phantom study , Computers in Biology and Medicine , 56(0), 124-131, 2015, ISSN 0010-4825. [ bib | DOI | http ]
[3] Ostrek G., Wizualizacja zmian o małym kontraście w obrazach TK za pomocą falek kierunkowych 3W , A. Bujnowski, J. Wtorek (red.), XVIII Krajowa Konferencja Biocybernetyki i Inżynierii Biomedycznej, 120, Politechnika Gdańska, Gdańsk, 2013, ISBN 978-83-60779-22-4. [ bib ]
[4] Ostrek G., Przelaskowski A., Automatic Early Stroke Recognition Algorithm in CT Images, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information Technologies in Biomedicine, ITIB'12, 101-109, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012, ISBN 978-3-642-31195-6. [ bib | DOI | http ]
[5] Jóźwiak R., Przelaskowski A., Ostrek G., Conceptual improvements in computer aided diagnosis of acute stroke, Journal of Medical Informatics and Technologies, 17, 191-199, 2011. [ bib | .pdf ]
[6] Rutczyńska A., Przelaskowski A., Jasionowska M., Ostrek G., Method of Brain Structure Extraction for CT-Based Stroke Detection, E. Piętka, J. Kawa (red.), Information Technologies in Biomedicine, tom 69 z serii Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 133-144, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-13104-2. [ bib | DOI | http ]
[7] Przelaskowski A., Walecki J., Sklinda K., Ostrek G., Improving Diagnostic Value of CT Examinations in Hyperacute Ischemic Stroke, Z. Czernicki, A. Baethmann, U. Ito, Y. Katayama, T. Kuroiwa, D. Mendelow (red.), Brain Edema XIV, tom 106 z serii Acta Neurochirurgica Supplementum, 165-170, Springer Vienna, 2010, ISBN 978-3-211-98758-2. [ bib | DOI ]
[8] Ostrek G., Przelaskowski A., Duplaga M., Rutczyńska A., Perception Enhancement of Bronchoscopic Video, E. Piętka, J. Kawa (red.), Information Technologies in Biomedicine, tom 69 z serii Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 599-610, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-13104-2. [ bib | DOI | http ]
[9] Przelaskowski A., Sklinda K., Ostrek G., Jóźwiak R., Walecki J., Computer - Aided Diagnosis in Hyper-acute Ischemic Stroke, W.J. (eds.) (red.), Progress in Neuroradiology, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 69-78, International Scientific Literature, Inc. New York, 2009, ISBN 978-0-615-3211-2-7. [ bib ]
[10] Przelaskowski A., Ostrek G., Sklinda K., Walecki J., Jóźwiak R., Stroke Slicer for CT-Based Automatic Detection of Acute Ischemia, M. Kurzynski, M. Wozniak (red.), Computer Recognition Systems 3, tom 57 z serii Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 447-454, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, ISBN 978-3-540-93904-7. [ bib | DOI | http ]
[11] Przelaskowski A., Jóźwiak R., Ostrek G., Sklinda K., Approximation of subtle pathology signs in multiscale domain for computer-aided ischemic stroke diagnosis, L. Bolc, J.L. Kulikowski, K. Wojciechowski (red.), Computer Vision and Graphics, tom 5337 z serii Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 311-321, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009, ISBN 978-3-642-02344-6. [ bib | DOI | http ]
[12] Przelaskowski A., Ostrek G., Sklinda K., Multiscale extraction of diagnostic content applied for CT brain examination, Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, 29(4), 25-40, 2009. [ bib | .pdf ]
[13] Walecki J., Przelaskowski A., Sklinda K., Ostrek G., Bulski T., CT diagnosis of early stroke - the initial approach to the new CAD tool based on multiscale estimation of ischemia, Polish Journal of Radiology, 74(1), 41-49, 2009. [ bib | http ]
[14] Przelaskowski A., Ostrek G., Falkowe aproksymacje obrazów, Elektronika, 4, 91-106, 2009. [ bib ]
[15] Ostrek G., Analiza obrazów falkami 2D, Praca magisterska, Wydział Elektroniki i Technik Informacyjnych, Warszawa, 2008. [ bib ]
[16] Sklinda K., Walecki J., Przelaskowski A., Ostrek G., Jóźwiak R., CT post-processing techniques in the evaluation of stroke patients, 2008. [ bib ]
[17] Przelaskowski A., Sklinda K., Ostrek G., Stroke Display Extensions: Three Forms of Visualization, E. Pietka, J. Kawa (red.), Information Technologies in Biomedicine, tom 47 z serii Advances in Soft Computing, 139-148, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008, ISBN 978-3-540-68167-0. [ bib | DOI | http ]
[18] Przelaskowski A., J. W., Sklinda K., Ostrek G., Stroke Monitor as a Device Improving Diagnostic Value of Computed Tomography in Hyperacute Stroke, A. Katashev, Y. Dekhtyar, J. Spigulis (red.), 14th Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, tom 20 z serii IFMBE Proceedings, 544-547, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008, ISBN 978-3-540-69366-6. [ bib | DOI | http ]
[19] Przelaskowski A., Ostrek G., Sklinda K., Monitor Udaru jako narzędzie wspomagania diagnostyki badań TK mózgu , Elektronika, 7-8, 104-114, 2008. [ bib ]

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