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Aktualności / News > Dydaktyka / Teaching > Historia / History > Algorithms & Data Structures, winter 14/15

Algorithms & Data Structures, winter 14/15

Lecture is given by Krzysztof Bryś, PhD.
Lecture's website is here.

Results (password is given during the laboratories)

Current task

  1. There would be about 14 tasks. Tasks are given during the laboratories.
  2. Current task would be published on the course's website, protected by a password. Username is "task", the password would be given in the beginning of laboratories and changed for each task.
  3. For each task you can obtain 5 points. 4 points can be obtained during the laboratories. Then you have one week to correct your program at home and send it for automated testing. If program passes all the tests, you get additional 1 point, otherwise - 0 points. For sending corrected tasks use uploader. The files should be zipped and have your name and number of the task as filename. Please send only the files with your code!
  4. Each class lasts for 90 minutes. If you finish your task before that time, you can get max points. Until 95th minute you can get max-1 points. Until 100th minute you can get max-2 points. After that time you get 0 points.
  5. Your worst result will not be counted to final grade.
  6. If you are absent and have medical certificate, for this task you get an average from all laboratories written in class and all the result from this particular task.
  7. To pass laboratories you have to collect more than half of points during labs written in class.
  8. Tasks are written in C++ language. If you didn't learn it yet, it's high time, because this course is not about teaching you programming.
  9. You are not allowed to change names of files, classes or functions. In such a case you get 0 points for auto testing.
  10. During the classes you are not allowed to use email or any webpages except for the ones on mini.pw.edu.pl serves or on msdn.microsoft.com server.
  11. During the class you are not allowed phones, your own laptops, pendrives or any other similar devices.