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April 19. 2024 11:17:03
Aktualności / News > Dydaktyka / Teaching > Historia / History > Parallel Processing, winter 14/15

Parallel Processing, winter 14/15

The lecture is given by dr inż. Felicja Okulicka-Dłużewska.



During laboratories the students prepare 4 tasks (for each task you have a few weeks).
  1. sycnhronization in a high-level language (Java, C#)
  2. synchronization in POSIX
  3. communication using MPI
  4. distributed algorithms.
Submitting the solution consists of two parts:
  1. submitting the code using the uploader. The files should be zipped and saved as pp_[your_login]_task[task-no],
  2. showing your solution during the class, discussing it and answering the questions.
The maximum number of points for each task is:
  1. 12 pt
  2. 12 pt
  3. 12 pt
  4. 14 pt
Each (started) week of being late is worth -5 points.
To pass the laboratories part you need to collect at least 26 points.

The classes without any deadlines are consultations. Please send me an e-mail if you want to come.


02.10 - task 1 is given
23.10 - task 1 submission, task 2 is given
13.11 - task 2 submission, task 3 is given
11.12 - task 3 submission, task 4 is given
15.01 - task 4 submission, final grades
22.01 - last chance to submit anything