Programming 3


No. Laboratory Topic Type Points Part
1 03.10.2024 MSBuild, dotnet Workshop 4p. A
2 10.10.2024 git, C# Basics Workshop 4p. A
3 17.10.2024 Class/Struct, Inheritance, Properties, Access Modifiers Workshop 4p. A
4 24.10.2024 Operators, Indexers, Base Class Library Workshop 4p. A
5 31.10.2024 Yield, Interface, Generics, IEnumerable Laboratory Task 8p. A
6 07.11.2024 Collections, LINQ Laboratory Task 8p. A
7 21.11.2024 Extension Methods, Delegates, Lambdas, Events Laboratory Task 8p. A
8 28.11.2024 Unit Tests, Exceptions Workshop 4p. B
9 05.12.2024 Assembly, Attribute, Reflection, Embedded Resources Workshop, Project 4p., 10p. B
10 12.12.2024 IO, Serialization, Disposable, Streams Laboratory Task 8p. B
11 19.12.2024 Thread, Task, Async, Await, Parallel Workshop 4p. B
12 02.01.2025 Thread, Task, Async, Await, Parallel Laboratory Task 8p. B
13 09.01.2025 Interoperability, Marshal, Unsafe Workshop, Project 4p., 10p. B
14 16.01.2025 Synchronization Laboratory Task 8p. B
15 23.01.2025 Retake Laboratory Task 8p.


Code examples will be hosted on GitHub:

No. Lecture Topic Materials
1 07.10.2024 Introduction, Rules, and Regulations, .Net and C#, First Program. Lecture00,
2 14.10.2024 C# Basics Lecture02
3 21.10.2024 Variables and Parameters, Namespaces, Custom Types Lecture03
4 28.10.2024 Generics, Enumeration, Nullable Lecture04
5 04.11.2024 Collections and LINQ, Delegates and Lambda Expressions, Extension Methods Lecture05
6 14.11.2024 Type Testing, Events, Functional Programming (Workshop), Pattern Matching Lecture06
7 18.11.2024 Attributes, Anonymous Types, Tuples, Events (Workshop) Lecture07
8 25.11.2024 Records, Preprocessor Directives, Exceptions, Reflection Lecture08
9 02.12.2024 Xml Documentation, Assembly, Disposable Lecture09
10 09.12.2024 Streams, Filesystem, Serialization Lecture10
11 16.12.2024 Threads, Tasks Lecture11
12 08.01.2025
13 13.01.2025
14 20.01.2025
15 27.01.2025
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