16.05.2017, Peter Giblin; Equidistants, and sometimes Duals, in Families of Curves and Surfaces (work with Graham Reeve)
11.04.2017, Michal Zwierzynski; The geometry of the secant caustic
21.03.2017, Takashi Nishimura; Isometry of two distinct metric spaces produced by the Wulff construction
14.03.2017, Tomasz Miller; Polish spaces of causal curves - continuation
7.03.2017, Tomasz Miller; Polish spaces of causal curves
17.01.2017, Wojciech Domitrz; Singular symplectic forms
10.01.2017, Christophe Eyral; Zariski-van Kampen theorems for singular varieties - continuation
13.12.2016, Christophe Eyral; Zariski-van Kampen theorems for singular varieties
29.11.2016, Vincent Grandjean; Bi-Lipschitz contact equivalence of plane function germs - continuation
22.11.2016, Vincent Grandjean; Bi-Lipschitz contact equivalence of plane function germs
15.11.2016, Bartlomiej Murawski; Affine spheres
8.11.2016, Marcin Zubilewicz; Unimodular webs - continuation
25.10.2016, Marcin Zubilewicz; Unimodular webs
11.10.2016, Wojciech Domitrz; The geometry of the Wigner caustic and affine equidistants