Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science
Warsaw University of Technology

prof. Bohdan Macukow

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Selected publications


  1. B. Macukow, H.H. Arsenault Matrix Decomposition for Nonsymmetrical Optical Systems, J.Opt.Soc.Am.73, . 1360-1366, 1983.
  2. H.H. Arsenault, B. Macukow Factorization of the Transfer Matrix for Symmetrical Optical Systems, J.Opt.Soc.Am.73, pp. 1350-1359, 1983.
  3. B. Macukow The New Approach to the Robots Visual Processing ,in: Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators 5, G.Bianchi, A.Morecki and K.K(c)dzior (eds), Hermes Publ. pp. 214-220, 1985.
  4. H.H. Arsenault, B. Macukow Optical Associative memory Model Based on Neural Networks having variable Interconnections Weights, Appl.Optics 26, pp. 924-928, 1987.
  5. H.H. Arsenault, B. Macukow Modification of the Threshold Condition for a Content-Addressable Memory based on the Hopfield Model, Appl. Optics 26, pp. 35-46, 1987.
  6. T. Czyżkowski, K. Kedzior, B. Macukow Biomechanical Factors in the design of Bobsled and Luge Runs, in: Biomechanics X-B, B.Jonsson (ed.) Human Kinetics Publ., Champlain Ill., 1987, pp. 785-789.
  7. H.H. Arsenault, B. Macukow Beyond Pattern Recognition with Neural Nets, in: Real-time signal processing for industrial applications, Critical Reviews of Optical Science and Technology, B.Javidi (ed.), SPIE, 960, 1988, str. 206-216.
  8. K. Kędzior, B. Macukow, J. Ostrowski Safety Problem in Bobsled and Luge Run Design, in:, Biomechanics XI-B, red. A.P.Hollander, P.A.Huijing and G.J.von Schenau (eds), Free Univ. Press., Amsterdam, pp. 874-877, 1988.
  9. Optical Processing and Computing, Academic Press, 1989, New York, H.H.Arsenault, T.Szoplik and B. Macukow (eds).
  10. H.H. Arsenault, B. Macukow Neural Networks for Logic Operations, SPIE 1134, pp. 40-43, 1989.
  11. H.H. Arsenault, B. Macukow Neural Network Model for fast Learning and Retrieval, Optical Eng., 28, pp. 506-512, 1989.
  12. B. Macukow Sieci neuronowe w bionicznych układach sterowania, in: Problemy Biocybernetyki i In3/4ynierii Biomedycznej, vol. 5 Biomechanika, A. Morecki and W.Ramotowski (eds), Ch.9. WKi, pp. 139-144, 1990.
  13. B. Macukow Backpropagation Neural Network for Robot Control, in: Lecture Notes of the ICB Seminar - Biomechanics, A. Morecki (ed.), ICB Warszawa, pp.336-348, 1990.
  14. T. Berus, B. Macukow On some modification of Hopfield's Content Addressable Memory, SPIE, 1319, 1990, pp. 151-153, 1990.
  15. B. Macukow, H.H. Arsenault Logic Operations with Neural Networks, Control and Cybernetics 20/2,pp. 115-133, 1991.
  16. B. Macukow Integrating Neural Networks with Robots, Arch. Budowy Maszyn PAN XXXIX/1-2, pp. 55-64, 1992.
  17. J. Mańdziuk, B. Macukow A Neural Network Designed to Solve the N-Queens Problem, Biol. Cybernetics 66, pp. 375-379, 1992.
  18. B. Macukow Associate Memory Models, in: Lecture Notes of the ICB - Bioinformatics, J.L.Kulikowski and W.Zmysłowski (eds), ICB Warszawa, pp. 110-134, 1993.
  19. J. Mańdziuk, B. Macukow A Neural Network Performing Boolean Logic Operations, Optical Memory and Neural Networks, 2/1, pp. 17-35, 1993.
  20. H. H. Arsenault, B. Macukow Neural Networks Model for fast Learning and Retrieval, in: Selected Papers on Optical Neural Networks, S.Jutamulia and B.J.Thompson (eds), SPIE Milestone Series, MS69, pp. 289-295, 1995.
  21. J.S. Bródka, B. Macukow, Neural Networks with unipolar weights and Normalized Thresholds, IOP Publishing Ltd., 139, pp. 463-466, 1995.
  22. W. Sygnowski, B. Macukow A Neural Network Model for Image Compression, SPIE, 2778, pp. 445-448, 1996.
  23. J. Mańdziuk, C. Gorecki, B. Macukow Cross Absolute Filter for Removing Speckle Noise from Interference Patterns, Optical Review, vol.3(4), pp. 269-275.
  24. W. Sygnowski, B. Macukow Counter-propagation Neural Network for Image Compression, Optical Engineering, 35, pp. 2214-2217, 1996.
  25. B. Macukow, M. Grzenda Neural Networks Solving the Prisoner's Dilemma, Journal of Optoelectronics Laser, vol. 9 supp., pp. 181-183, 1998.
  26. M. Grzenda, B. Macukow Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks to Solve the Prisoner's Dilemma, Optical Memory and Neural Networks, vol. 7/3, p. 171-175, 1998.
  27. M. Grzenda, B. Macukow Genetic Algorithms to Develop the Structure of Neural Network, Proceedings of the Fourth Conference "Neural Networks and Their Applications", pp. 593-598, 1999.
  28. M. Grzenda, B. Macukow Neural Networks to Simulate Intelligent Behaviour in the Games of Moves, Proceedings of the 13th European Simulation MultiConference, Society for Computer Simulation International, vol. 2, pp. 429-436, 1999.
  29. B. Macukow, E. Chojnacka Quality Management In Engineering Education - A Case Study, in: Engineering Education Rediscovering the Centre, Proc. SEFI Annual Conference 1999,A. Hagstrom (ed.), vdf Hochschukverlag AG an der ETH Zurich pp. 123-128.
  30. A. Kraśniewski, B. Macukow, M. Witkowski The Concept of the Quality Assurance System for the Warsaw University of Technology, 1999.
  31. A. Kraśniewski, B. Macukow, M. Witkowski The Project of the Quality Assurance System at the Warsaw University of Technology, 1999.
  32. E. Chojnacka, B. Macukow, T.Saryusz-Wolski, M.Witkowski INQUEST -Wewnętrzny System Zapewniania Jakości Kształcenia, 2001.
  33. M. Grzenda, B. Macukow The Role of Weight Domain in Evolutionary Design of Multilayer perceptrons, in: IJCNN Neural Networks, IEEE Computer Society, 2000, pp.1-4 (cd-rom).
  34. B. Macukow, M. Grzenda Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks, in: Proc. 14th School of Optoelectronics PAN, November, 2000, pp. 193-199.
  35. B. Macukow, M. Grzenda Self-Adaptation in Evolutionary Design of Neural Networks, in: The State of the Art in Computetional Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, 2000, pp.382.
  36. B. Macukow Education Quality Assurance in the Warsaw University of Technology, prerequisities and activities already undertaken, European Journal for Engineering Education vol.25/1, pp. 9-17, 2000.
  37. E. Chojnacka, T. Wolski, B. Macukow, A. Andersen Cross-cultural communication in engineering eduaction, Proc. SEFI Annual Conf. 2000, J.Michel (ed.), Balkema, 2000 pp. 1-5 (cd-rom).
  38. M. Witkowski, B. Macukow Educational Standards In Higher Vocational Education Schools In Poland, 7th IQAAHA Conf. Bangalore, 2001.
  39. B. Macukow, M. Witkowski Non-university sector of higher education. Closer to the labour market, Eur. J.Eng. Education, vol. 26/3, 2001.
  40. M. Grzenda, B. Macukow Evolutionary Model for Short Term Load Forecasting, Proc. 7th Int. Conf on Soft Computing "Mendel 2001", Matousek Radek and Osmera Pavel (eds), Brno Univ.of Techn.Kuncik, pp. 119-124, Brno 2001.
  41. B. Macukow, M. Grzenda Towards the evolution of neural nets, Opto-electronics Rev, 9/3, pp. 23-26, 2001.
  42. E. Chojnacka, B. Macukow New system of engineering education and its evaluation, Proc. SEFI Annual Conf. 2001, Copenhagen.
  43. M. Grzenda, B. Macukow, Evolutionary neural networks based optimization for short-term load forecasting, Control and Cybernetics, 31,no.2,371-382, 2002.
  44. A. Borowiec, K. Fronczyk, M. Grzenda, B. Macukow, Can Neural Networks be used to Define the Rules of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Nutrition Domain?, Proc. of the Sixth International Conference on Neural Networks and Soft Computing, Zakopane, 11-15.06.2002, eds. L.Rutkowski, J.Kasprzyk , Springer.
  45. E. Chojnacka, B. Macukow, Quality and Standards: The National Perspective of the Accreditation in Poland, Proc. of the INQAAHE 2003 Conference, April 2003, Dublin.
  46. B. Macukow, E. Chojnacka,Accreditation System in Poland, Proc. of SEFI Annual Conf. 2003, Porto. (pdf)
  47. R.Komanski, B. Macukow, Problems Connected with Application of Neural Networks in Automatic Face Recognition, Proc. 7th Int. Conference Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing ICAISC 2004, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer,736-741, 2004. (pdf)
  48. B. Macukow, Ten years of Accreditation in Poland Proc. Annual Conf. SEFI 2005, eds. C.Simsek, Y.Aaman, 394-400, 2005. (pdf)
  49. B. Macukow, W. Homenda, Methods of Application Intelligence in Blind People Education, in: ICAISC 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science(LNAI 4029), Springer Verlag. eds.L.Rutkowski, R.Tadeusiewicz. L.A.Zadeh, J.Zurada,1179-1180, 2006. (pdf)
  50. M. Grzenda, B. Macukow, Demand Prediction with Multi-Stage Neural Processing, The Advance in Natural Computation and Data Mining, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC`06), Xidian University, Xi`an,131-141, 2006. (pdf)
  51. B. Macukow, E. Chojnacka,New Educational Standards. Case Study - Computer Science, Proc. of SEFI Annual Conf. 2007, Miskolc. (pdf)
  52. B. Macukow,System zapewniania jakości kształcenia w PW, Warszawa, kwiecień 2007, OW PW
  53. E. Chojnacka, A. Napieralski, B. Macukow We need engineers. How to promote technical studies, Proc. SEFI Annual Conf. 2008, Aalborg (pdf)
  54. Formuła studiów dwustopniowych i zaawansowanych, red. J.Woznicki, (praca zbiorowa) Fundacja Rektorów Polskich, Warszawa 2008
  55. M. Grzenda, B. Macukow Heat Consumption Prediction with Multiple Hybrid Models, 10th Int. Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2009, Salamanca, Spain, June 10-12, 2009. LNCS 5518 Springer 2009, (pdf)
  56. B. Macukow,The Framework for Higher Education Qualifications in Poland,International Conference of Engineering Education ICEE-2010,18-22.07.2010, Gliwice,
  57. B. Macukow Ogólne zasady Krajowych Ram Kwalifikacji istotne dla kierunków technicznych, Materiały III Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Kształcenia na kierunku budownictwo, Kielce, 1-3.06.2011, 95-122, 2011. (pdf)
  58. B. Macukow,What is Artificial Intelligence, Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems FedCSIS, 18-21.09.2011, Szczecin
  59. B. Macukow,Pojedynki z akredytacją i jakością - czyli jak mieć poczucie satysfakcji w kształceniu inżynierów, in: Internacjonalizacja studiów wyższych, red. W.Martyniuk, FRSE Warszawa 2011, 71-92 (pdf)
  60. A. Sobaniec, B. Macukow,Folksonomy Implementation Based on Art-1 Neural Network, Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems FedCSIS, 9-12.09.2012, Wrocław IEEEexplore(pdf)
  61. A. Sobaniec, B. Macukow,Efektywna implementacja folksonomii, Biuletyn Automatyki i Robotyki WAT, xx-xx, 2013 (pdf)
  62. B. Macukow,Neural Networks - State of Art, Brief History, Basic Models and Architecture, 15th IFIP TC8 International Conference, CISIM 2016, 14-116.09.2016, Vilnius LNCS 9842, 3-16 (pdf)
  63. A.Bustillo, M.Grzenda, B. Macukow,Interpreting tree-based prediction models and their data in machinning processes, Integr. Compter-Aided Eng.,IOS Press, 349-367, 2016 (pdf)
  64. B. Macukow, Sieci Neuronowe, historia badań i podstawowe modele, Prace Naukowe EiTI PW vol.1, 90-108 , 90-108, 2020 (pdf)