prof. Bohdan Macukow
Selected publications
- B. Macukow, H.H. Arsenault Matrix Decomposition for Nonsymmetrical Optical Systems, J.Opt.Soc.Am.73, . 1360-1366, 1983.
- H.H. Arsenault, B. Macukow Factorization of the Transfer Matrix for Symmetrical Optical Systems, J.Opt.Soc.Am.73, pp. 1350-1359, 1983.
- B. Macukow The New Approach to the Robots Visual Processing ,in: Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators 5, G.Bianchi, A.Morecki and K.K(c)dzior (eds), Hermes Publ. pp. 214-220, 1985.
- H.H. Arsenault, B. Macukow Optical Associative memory Model Based on Neural Networks having variable Interconnections Weights, Appl.Optics 26, pp. 924-928, 1987.
- H.H. Arsenault, B. Macukow Modification of the Threshold Condition for a Content-Addressable Memory based on the Hopfield Model, Appl. Optics 26, pp. 35-46, 1987.
- T. Czyżkowski, K. Kedzior, B. Macukow Biomechanical Factors in the design of Bobsled and Luge Runs, in: Biomechanics X-B, B.Jonsson (ed.) Human Kinetics Publ., Champlain Ill., 1987, pp. 785-789.
- H.H. Arsenault, B. Macukow Beyond Pattern Recognition with Neural Nets, in: Real-time signal processing for industrial applications, Critical Reviews of Optical Science and Technology, B.Javidi (ed.), SPIE, 960, 1988, str. 206-216.
- K. Kędzior, B. Macukow, J. Ostrowski Safety Problem in Bobsled and Luge Run Design, in:, Biomechanics XI-B, red. A.P.Hollander, P.A.Huijing and G.J.von Schenau (eds), Free Univ. Press., Amsterdam, pp. 874-877, 1988.
- Optical Processing and Computing, Academic Press, 1989, New York, H.H.Arsenault, T.Szoplik and B. Macukow (eds).
- H.H. Arsenault, B. Macukow Neural Networks for Logic Operations, SPIE 1134, pp. 40-43, 1989.
- H.H. Arsenault, B. Macukow Neural Network Model for fast Learning and Retrieval, Optical Eng., 28, pp. 506-512, 1989.
- B. Macukow Sieci neuronowe w bionicznych układach sterowania, in: Problemy Biocybernetyki i In3/4ynierii Biomedycznej, vol. 5 Biomechanika, A. Morecki and W.Ramotowski (eds), Ch.9. WKi, pp. 139-144, 1990.
- B. Macukow Backpropagation Neural Network for Robot Control, in: Lecture Notes of the ICB Seminar - Biomechanics, A. Morecki (ed.), ICB Warszawa, pp.336-348, 1990.
- T. Berus, B. Macukow On some modification of Hopfield's Content Addressable Memory, SPIE, 1319, 1990, pp. 151-153, 1990.
- B. Macukow, H.H. Arsenault Logic Operations with Neural Networks, Control and Cybernetics 20/2,pp. 115-133, 1991.
- B. Macukow Integrating Neural Networks with Robots, Arch. Budowy Maszyn PAN XXXIX/1-2, pp. 55-64, 1992.
- J. Mańdziuk, B. Macukow A Neural Network Designed to Solve the N-Queens Problem, Biol. Cybernetics 66, pp. 375-379, 1992.
- B. Macukow Associate Memory Models, in: Lecture Notes of the ICB - Bioinformatics, J.L.Kulikowski and W.Zmysłowski (eds), ICB Warszawa, pp. 110-134, 1993.
- J. Mańdziuk, B. Macukow A Neural Network Performing Boolean Logic Operations, Optical Memory and Neural Networks, 2/1, pp. 17-35, 1993.
- H. H. Arsenault, B. Macukow Neural Networks Model for fast Learning and Retrieval, in: Selected Papers on Optical Neural Networks, S.Jutamulia and B.J.Thompson (eds), SPIE Milestone Series, MS69, pp. 289-295, 1995.
- J.S. Bródka, B. Macukow, Neural Networks with unipolar weights and Normalized Thresholds, IOP Publishing Ltd., 139, pp. 463-466, 1995.
- W. Sygnowski, B. Macukow A Neural Network Model for Image Compression, SPIE, 2778, pp. 445-448, 1996.
- J. Mańdziuk, C. Gorecki, B. Macukow Cross Absolute Filter for Removing Speckle Noise from Interference Patterns, Optical Review, vol.3(4), pp. 269-275.
- W. Sygnowski, B. Macukow Counter-propagation Neural Network for Image Compression, Optical Engineering, 35, pp. 2214-2217, 1996.
- B. Macukow, M. Grzenda Neural Networks Solving the Prisoner's Dilemma, Journal of Optoelectronics Laser, vol. 9 supp., pp. 181-183, 1998.
- M. Grzenda, B. Macukow Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks to Solve the Prisoner's Dilemma, Optical Memory and Neural Networks, vol. 7/3, p. 171-175, 1998.
- M. Grzenda, B. Macukow Genetic Algorithms to Develop the Structure of Neural Network, Proceedings of the Fourth Conference "Neural Networks and Their Applications", pp. 593-598, 1999.
- M. Grzenda, B. Macukow Neural Networks to Simulate Intelligent Behaviour in the Games of Moves, Proceedings of the 13th European Simulation MultiConference, Society for Computer Simulation International, vol. 2, pp. 429-436, 1999.
- B. Macukow, E. Chojnacka Quality Management In Engineering Education - A Case Study, in: Engineering Education Rediscovering the Centre, Proc. SEFI Annual Conference 1999,A. Hagstrom (ed.), vdf Hochschukverlag AG an der ETH Zurich pp. 123-128.
- A. Kraśniewski, B. Macukow, M. Witkowski The Concept of the Quality Assurance System for the Warsaw University of Technology, 1999.
- A. Kraśniewski, B. Macukow, M. Witkowski The Project of the Quality Assurance System at the Warsaw University of Technology, 1999.
- E. Chojnacka, B. Macukow, T.Saryusz-Wolski, M.Witkowski INQUEST -Wewnętrzny System Zapewniania Jakości Kształcenia, 2001.
- M. Grzenda, B. Macukow The Role of Weight Domain in Evolutionary Design of Multilayer perceptrons, in: IJCNN Neural Networks, IEEE Computer Society, 2000, pp.1-4 (cd-rom).
- B. Macukow, M. Grzenda Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks, in: Proc. 14th School of Optoelectronics PAN, November, 2000, pp. 193-199.
- B. Macukow, M. Grzenda Self-Adaptation in Evolutionary Design of Neural Networks, in: The State of the Art in Computetional Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, 2000, pp.382.
- B. Macukow Education Quality Assurance in the Warsaw University of Technology, prerequisities and activities already undertaken, European Journal for Engineering Education vol.25/1, pp. 9-17, 2000.
- E. Chojnacka, T. Wolski, B. Macukow, A. Andersen Cross-cultural communication in engineering eduaction, Proc. SEFI Annual Conf. 2000, J.Michel (ed.), Balkema, 2000 pp. 1-5 (cd-rom).
- M. Witkowski, B. Macukow Educational Standards In Higher Vocational Education Schools In Poland, 7th IQAAHA Conf. Bangalore, 2001.
- B. Macukow, M. Witkowski Non-university sector of higher education. Closer to the labour market, Eur. J.Eng. Education, vol. 26/3, 2001.
- M. Grzenda, B. Macukow Evolutionary Model for Short Term Load Forecasting, Proc. 7th Int. Conf on Soft Computing "Mendel 2001", Matousek Radek and Osmera Pavel (eds), Brno Univ.of Techn.Kuncik, pp. 119-124, Brno 2001.
- B. Macukow, M. Grzenda Towards the evolution of neural nets, Opto-electronics Rev, 9/3, pp. 23-26, 2001.
- E. Chojnacka, B. Macukow New system of engineering education and its evaluation, Proc. SEFI Annual Conf. 2001, Copenhagen.
- M. Grzenda, B. Macukow, Evolutionary neural networks based optimization for short-term load forecasting, Control and Cybernetics, 31,no.2,371-382, 2002.
- A. Borowiec, K. Fronczyk, M. Grzenda, B. Macukow, Can Neural Networks be used to Define the Rules of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Nutrition Domain?, Proc. of the Sixth International Conference on Neural Networks and Soft Computing, Zakopane, 11-15.06.2002, eds. L.Rutkowski, J.Kasprzyk , Springer.
- E. Chojnacka, B. Macukow, Quality and Standards: The National Perspective of the Accreditation in Poland, Proc. of the INQAAHE 2003 Conference, April 2003, Dublin.
- B. Macukow, E. Chojnacka,Accreditation System in Poland, Proc. of SEFI Annual Conf. 2003, Porto.
- R.Komanski, B. Macukow, Problems Connected with Application of Neural Networks in Automatic Face Recognition, Proc. 7th Int. Conference Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing ICAISC 2004, in: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer,736-741, 2004.
- B. Macukow, Ten years of Accreditation in Poland Proc. Annual Conf. SEFI 2005, eds. C.Simsek, Y.Aaman, 394-400, 2005.
- B. Macukow, W. Homenda, Methods of Application Intelligence in Blind People Education, in: ICAISC 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science(LNAI 4029), Springer Verlag. eds.L.Rutkowski, R.Tadeusiewicz. L.A.Zadeh, J.Zurada,1179-1180, 2006.
- M. Grzenda, B. Macukow, Demand Prediction with Multi-Stage Neural Processing, The Advance in Natural Computation and Data Mining, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC`06), Xidian University, Xi`an,131-141, 2006.
- B. Macukow, E. Chojnacka,New Educational Standards. Case Study - Computer Science, Proc. of SEFI Annual Conf. 2007, Miskolc.
- B. Macukow,System zapewniania jakości kształcenia w PW, Warszawa, kwiecień 2007, OW PW
- E. Chojnacka, A. Napieralski, B. Macukow We need engineers. How to promote technical studies, Proc. SEFI Annual Conf. 2008, Aalborg
- Formuła studiów dwustopniowych i zaawansowanych, red. J.Woznicki, (praca zbiorowa) Fundacja Rektorów Polskich, Warszawa 2008
- M. Grzenda, B. Macukow Heat Consumption Prediction with Multiple Hybrid Models, 10th Int. Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, IWANN 2009, Salamanca, Spain, June 10-12, 2009. LNCS 5518 Springer 2009,
- B. Macukow,The Framework for Higher Education Qualifications in Poland,International Conference of Engineering Education ICEE-2010,18-22.07.2010, Gliwice,
- B. Macukow Ogólne zasady Krajowych Ram Kwalifikacji istotne dla kierunków technicznych, Materiały III Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Kształcenia na kierunku budownictwo, Kielce, 1-3.06.2011, 95-122, 2011.
- B. Macukow,What is Artificial Intelligence, Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems FedCSIS, 18-21.09.2011, Szczecin
- B. Macukow,Pojedynki z akredytacją i jakością - czyli jak mieć poczucie satysfakcji w kształceniu inżynierów, in: Internacjonalizacja studiów wyższych, red. W.Martyniuk, FRSE Warszawa 2011, 71-92
- A. Sobaniec, B. Macukow,Folksonomy Implementation Based on Art-1 Neural Network, Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems FedCSIS, 9-12.09.2012, Wrocław
- A. Sobaniec, B. Macukow,Efektywna implementacja folksonomii, Biuletyn Automatyki i Robotyki WAT, xx-xx, 2013
- B. Macukow,Neural Networks - State of Art, Brief History, Basic Models and Architecture, 15th IFIP TC8 International Conference, CISIM 2016, 14-116.09.2016, Vilnius
LNCS 9842, 3-16 (pdf)
- A.Bustillo, M.Grzenda, B. Macukow,Interpreting tree-based prediction models and their data in machinning processes, Integr. Compter-Aided Eng.,IOS Press, 349-367, 2016
- B. Macukow, Sieci Neuronowe, historia badań i podstawowe modele, Prace Naukowe EiTI PW vol.1, 90-108 , 90-108, 2020